LoJOYve: Chose Love. Find Joy

JOY surrounded by Love. We help others by Shifting Perspectives


I’m Karen Salum, the founder and president of LoJOYve.

LoJOYve is Joy surrounded by Love.

I help others shift perspectives to find Joy. I use stories, conversations and plush bears to engage individuals and groups in the exploration of “what can be.”

I believe that when you shift your perspective you can interpret your situation in a positive way, find solutions and clearly see your path forward.


LoJOYve Initiatives


Karen Salum shares stories of joyful transformation and invites others to share theirs.

You can share your story as well in our Blog.

Karen produces the Bear Chair Storytelling podcast in her YouTube Channel.


Karen Salum organizes conversations with experts on a variety of topics related to Joy and delivers them via-Zoom, recorded Videos and Webinars.

She also offers Private Consultations and Group Events in-person and online.


Healing Heart Bears is Karen’s social initiative to bring Joy to those who are grieving or need a bear hug to feel better.

She invites you to share Joy through Acts of Kindness and Bear Challenges.

You can become a Contributor or Sponsor to help Karen expand her Bears Distribution.